Namaste all,
Yoga this month at Greasby Centre is the usual 11.15a.m. class each Monday.
Monday 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th.
And for those who are members of Total Fitness in Prenton, Tuesdays 12p.m and Wednesdays 7p.m.
We began our journey in 2025 building strength and stamina partly because winter is a difficult time to keep moving and we are prone to a variety of viruses and other ailments during the months that display predominantly Vata and Kapha energies - dry, cold, damp and earthy - and we need to be strong enough to resist viruses and build heat/warmth/energy (pitta) in the body to sustain us through the winter months.
The whole journey is one of allowing a deeper insight into where strength and flexibility lies within our body at present and to build on that and continue our investigation into our interaction with gravity, our range of motion, the limitations of bone length, ligament restriction, tightness of muscles and tendons, connection to our centre of being – the abdominals, all to avail ourselves of a deeper sense of balance, mindful connection, mindful awareness and responsibility to distribute effort and sensation evenly through the body. To be aware with kindness and without judgement rather than thinking that the body and poses should be a certain way or that we should be able to perform the poses perfectly or habitually!
"Yoga is not about touching your toes, it's about what you learn on the way down." - Jigar Gor
To build enough strength and flexibility so that we can lift out from poses not collapse into them, we can maintain holding poses with ease and with the breath, we can connect deeply via the breath to feel the feedback from the whole of our being, In short to know our bodies and understand how and why we can do what we are able to do in any given moment and be where we can be in any given moment and that the journey to building strength and flexibly, connecting inwards, using the breath as our anchor and responding accordingly is ongoing.
“That’s why you start where you are. Not where you wish you were. Not where you hope you are. Not where you think you should be. But right where you are.”
―Bill Burnett,Designing Your Life: Build a Life that Works for You
During February we will continue to be right where we are and build on that!
Shanti Om
Sue x 🙏🙏
Resonating words, Sue 💗 x