Namaste all,
Yoga Monday 19th June Click link to view reel
Yoga tomorrow see us begin a new pose which is known as the Queen of poses, Sirsasana (headstand)
Before you hit naught to Armageddon in 3 seconds flat, remember that yoga is a journey, and we all need to build the necessary strength, flexibility, and balance as we WORK TOWARDS any pose including those such as Sirsasana that require strength of legs, belly, arms, shoulders and back muscles.
In addition to building body strength this pose also requires strength of mind through Dharana which is focus, willpower and concentration even if the complete version of the pose if never achieved.
It is never about whether a pose can be achieved or not but more the journey of discovery that happens when we challenge our body, mind, and perception.
As always, there as many stages in which to be working while building strength and flexibility so do stay wherever your whole being will allow you to be in comfort with correct alignment and always with the breath.
There are many benefits to the pose including:
calm the mind.
alleviate stress and depression.
activate the pituitary and pineal glands.
stimulate the lymphatic system.
strengthen the upper body, spine, and core.
enhance lung capacity.
stimulate and strengthen abdominal organs.
boost digestion
Working towards headstand and modifications will also reap many benefits so we will be working with Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog) and ardha pincha mayurasana (the dolphin pose) to assist in our journey.
Shanti Om
Sue x
In the words of Jeffrey Armstrong: