Namaste all
Yoga September 25th click link to view reel
Yoga tomorrow morning, 11.15a.m. at Greasby Centre where we will be continuing to move with the breath in asana.
Moving slowly in asana and allowing the breath the lead the movement greatly assists our deeper connection to our whole being in contrast to moving without awareness where the mind is focussed in another place and the body moves on its own in habitual movement.
The downsides to habitual movement without conscious breath are many:
We do not connect to the feedback from the body, breath or mind
We are disconnected from the breath
The disconnection can lead to the body feeling stressed or strained mostly for lack of awareness to the feedback but also the lack of oxygen to the muscles.
The body can tire and feel fatigued more easily
and the mind can remain distracted, anxious or scattered.
When we use the breath to move consciously however everything is different:
We become deeply connected to how the body works and moves and what we need to engage to keep the body safe with good alignment
We move with greater ease in muscle and joints as they are being fed with the oxygen the need during movement.
The mind is focussed as the breath becomes the anchor to keep the mind within the body and body functions through allowing the breath to begin a fraction before starting any movement.
The nervous system remains calm therefore there is less distraction, anxiety or scattered thinking.
In short, pranayama is the gateway to accessing the deeper journey towards the Self and is also the middle of the 8 Limbs of yoga which connect us to our higher Self or whatever we perceive that to be!
The 8 Limbs
Yamas - often seen as 'moral codes', or ways of 'right living'
Niyamas - often seen as 'moral codes', or ways of 'right living'
Asana - physical practice to strengthen the body and mind
PRANAYAMA - conscious breathing - that which leads us to higher states of mind and being through connection and awareness.
Pratyahara - bringing awareness inwards
Dharana - concentration
Dhyana - meditation
Samadhi - bliss - unity with the higher Self - beyond the ego, machinations of the mind and our conditioning.
In the simplest terms using pranayama will bring peace of body and mind, reduce stress and anxiety, calm the nervous system and create a deeper connection to knowing how our body is responding or reacting to life. The breath is the anchor to keep the mind focussed.
In the subtle terms, pranayama is the life energy that will connect us ultimately to our higher Self brining a deeper awareness to a life force that is beyond what the eyes can see and the mind can perceive.
Yoga is a journey, one step at a time and where you travel is up to you but, using the breath on the journey is always the best way to travel wherever that may take you!
Shanti Om
Sue x