Namaste all,
As we draw closer to Halloween, or All Hallows Eve, which is a time to remember those who have passed on but also celebrates the changing of the seasons and in yogic terms that can translate to setting new intentions, using yoga to ground ourselves and the breath to soften our resistance to the oncoming of winter and through connection more deeply to the Self we can find our own inner light.
Here is a short practice to help ground ourselves whenever we feel the season is making us feel contracted with the cold and darker nights:
Take a comfortable seat using the wall for support if needed. You can lie down if preferred with knees bent or legs straight with cushions and blankets for support.
Gently close eyes and connect to the natural breath.
Take a few moments to watch the natural breath flowing in and flowing out.
Gently lengthen the out breath without strain.
Connect to the breath expanding on the in breath and lengthening on the out breath.
Take awareness to the base of the spine and on each out breath imagine roots starting to spread into the ground.
The roots go deeper and deeper with each exhale grounding and connecting to the earth.
On each inhale imagine light is beginning to expand at the heart space filling the whole of the chest.
With each out breath the connection to the earth is deepened.
With each in breath the inner light begins to fill the whole body slowly, flowing over the arms down to the hands, flowing up into the whole of the head, flowing down through the body to the legs and into the feet.
The whole body filled with light while being deeply connected to the dark depths of the earth.
Feel connected to everything both past and present. Be your own light while connected to the darkness of the earth through the roots.
Stay with the breath for a while longer and the feeling of being grounded and yet filled with light.
When you feel ready, allow the light to move gently back towards the heart space and move back into the heart while the roots to the earth dissolve.
Feel the light move back inside the heart space.
Be aware of the body and energy feeling light and yet grounded.
Take several deep breaths.
Begin to move the body gently to bring awareness back into the present moment.
Take a few more deep breath, stretching and moving as you would like and when ready either come to sitting if you have been lying down or come to stand if seated then slowly move on with your day feeling grounded and filled with light.
Shanti Om
A recording of the script above:
Thank you for this lovely little gift Sue 🌷
The sound clip combined with the script is so helpful to me & it is glimmer ✨... that will keep on giving 💓