Namaste all,
Just to say yoga returns on Monday 15th April at Greasby Centre where we will contemplate spring, renewal and rebirth - all the elements of what the arrival of spring can mean for each of us as we move into the lighter nights and brighter, albeit often rainy, days!
Also, the newsletter will now be monthly rather than weekly for many reasons but mostly to not deluge you with information and have something to look forward to reading rather than an habitual quick glance.
Classes for April:
15th at 11.15am
22nd at 11.15am
29th at 11.15am
Our focus pose with be Vasisthasana - which is a fairly strong balance pose, but as always there are levels of being in the pose depending on strength and flexibility.
Vasisth = wealthy and asana = posture - therefore a pose that can bring wealth in physical and mental health.
For those who like a little anatomical information Vasisthasana strengthens the abdominal muscles - front and side, in addition to the muscles of the arms, shoulders and back and a strong body can help keep the mind strong!
In Yoga Sutra 2.33-34, Patanjali states, “Vitarka badhane pratipaksha bhavanam” which in short means to allow perception to change. This is what Vasistha taught Rama, to shift his perspective from suffering and limitation to being aware in the present moment. To respond to negative thoughts and patterns by thinking and doing the opposite.
Therefore, when we practise the stage of the pose be aware of any negative thoughts, any reactions rather than responses in the whole being and continually practising to work and remain in the present moment doing, in the words of Mike Dooley:
“Do the best with what you’ve got, from where you are!”
And for your contemplation on spring and new beginnings, an excerpt from E E Cummings Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand:
changing everything carefully
spring is like a perhaps
Hand in a window
(carefully to
and fro moving New and
Old things,while
people stare carefully
moving a perhaps
fraction of flower here placing
an inch of air there)and
without breaking anything
Perhaps we all need to move things around more often to get a clearer view!
See you on the 15th!
Shanti Om
Sue x