Namaste all,
The classes at Greasby Centre during October 11.15a.m.:
Monday 7th
Monday 14th
Monday 21st
Monday 28th
We began last week to explore the movements of the spine through forward bends ( flexion), backbends (extension), side bends (lateral flexion) and twists (extension and rotation) all of which are natural movements of the spine but in yoga are expressed in greater depth.
We will continue to explore the movements of the spine and the effects of those movements on the body, breath, mind and nervous system particularly in relation to the body being holistically connected and what affects one part affects the whole!
In this way, in addition to exploring the body, we are deepening our connection to the whole and our inner Self!
Exploring the spine and its movements is also a way to be aware of posture during months that become increasing colder where we tend to contract in the body which affects our posture, our mind and our strength. The more we can open the chest area, lengthen the spine, and breathe more effectively the greater the benefits to feeling warmer as energy flows more easily and stronger to develop the stamina and fortitude to go forwards into the winter months!
On another note, I am hoping to be running a yoga retreat day in December - the pre Christmas stress buster - so will be sending out details as soon as they are finalised!
At the moment I’m looking at Sunday 15th December so keep that date in mind if you are interested in a restful and restorative day of yoga, relaxation and meditation!
See you in class!
Shanti Om
Sue x