Yoga Monday click link to view reel.
Namaste all,
Yoga tomorrow morning at Greasby Centre 11.15a.m. as usual and working towards Ardha Chandrasana, half moon standing which is a standing balance requiring that we build strength and flexibility in addition to focus, concentration and willpower (Dharana) and staying at whichever stage best accommodates the body being at ease in the pose with the breath and mind remaining focussed!
And a little wish for all Mothers and Grandmothers to have a restful and wonderful Mother’s Day on the 19th March.
Classes for the rest of the month are:
Monday 20th 11.15a.m.
Monday 27th 11.15a.m.
No yoga classes after the 27th until after Easter returning on Monday 17th April.
Reminder of the Yoga Retreat Day at Merebrook House on Sunday 16th April there are only a couple of places left so do let me know asap if you are interested.
Spring is finally arriving after the very cold weather and much lighter nights are coming as the whole of creation begins to awake and with it we can enjoy new beginnings in whatever we would like to begin afresh be it getting out in the fresh air more, doing more yoga, doing more exercise or just being aware that our thoughts can shape our reality and perhaps change the way we are thinking about everything that affects our way of being.
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”
― Patanjali
Looking forward to seeing as many as would like to come to yoga tomorrow morning.
Shanti Om
Sue 🙏 x
Jason Crandell click link to reel - this is one of my favourite teachers of yoga Jason Crandell who is addressing yoga teachers here but he is talking about the Ujjayi breath which we have been working with in class to build up the use of Ujjayi breath in asana practice! Enjoy!