Namaste all,
I have exchanged various emails from Marco at the yoga retreat centre in Puglia and to book the dates in April 2024 Marco has asked that a deposit is paid and a contract exchanged as soon as possible as there are 2 other teachers interested in the same week and he said basically the teacher he gets the deposit and contract from first is assured that week!
I did gather from all the reviews and available dates up to 2028 that the retreat centre is in high demand years in advance!
I did try to negotiate just signing the contract but alas that is not possible without the deposit he said!
Many have expressed there interest and remember there are only 19 places available therefore the deposit is now £100 as I feel that any more just before Christmas would prove difficult or at least an inconvenience for many.
If you are wanting a place on the April 2024 then please email me asap for bank details for the deposit.
Those who have my bank details already pay into the NatWest business account.
RE March/April 2023 It is still not clear whether those dates are available, Marco is checking with the teachers involved again and will let me know - he said they will be available if the teachers don’t send the deposit and sign the contract. Watch this space!
Shanti Om
Sue 🙏