Yoga Monday reel click link to view reel
Namaste all,
Yoga this morning at Greasby Centre 11.15a.m. where we will be working towards standing balance Ardha Chandrasana and Parivritti Ardha Chandrasana over the next few weeks.
We will be working with the poses and preparation for the pose, building on strength and flexibility, working towards being able to maintain a pose with ease, with the breath and with a deeper connection to the Self through the practices of Pratyahara (bringing awareness inwards), Dharana (concentration/willpower), pranayama (control of the breath), asana and bandha (the locks).
Working through the Staged Approach, being at whichever stage allows body, mind and breath to work together, and listening to the feedback from body, breath, mind and nervous system to facilitate building awareness to where in the whole of your being needs developing, without judgement and always with kindness, letting go of expectations and making peace with wherever the whole being is able to be in any moment and at any stage of the asana practice.
I hope you enjoy all the preparation work that I have planned on the journey towards both asanas.
love and light
Sue 🙏 x
A reminder of the yoga retreat day in April at Merebrook - there are only 22 places (23 including me) and 16 have now been taken so if you are interested let me know asap. Flyer for details.