Namaste all,
Yoga Monday 10th July click link to view reel
Yoga this week as usual at 11.15a.m. Greasby Centre where we will continue with strength work in preparation for the Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana).
This doesn’t necessarily mean everyone will end up in handstand, but they can however work with strengthening the body and making it more flexible which is a health benefit and not just about achieving a pose.
Working with challenging poses also challenges the mind and perceptions for example is the mind judging the ability of the body regarding strength or not being able to perform a strong pose? If so, that judgement is not productive in the sense of the body is where the body is strength wise, and time is needed to build any level of strength with each individual therefore judgement is a waste of time and energy and changes nothing within the body other than to make it feel bad!
Rather than judgement work with Ahimsa (non-harming) which means look at what works no within the body, what might need opening and what needs strengthening and work with that as your journey. Remember, yoga is a journey not a destination!
When we work from the intuitive body (wisdom body Vijnanamaya kosha) we connect at a deeper level beyond the ego, conditioning, and machinations of the mind (to which we are all susceptible) then couple that with the heart centre (anandamaya kosha - bliss body) then we connect deeply to what is referred to as our ‘real Self” through our connection to Universal consciousness.
It takes a lot of practice to get beyond the mind as we always return to default but that is fine, as we know, yoga is a journey and not a destination, so we are therefore all a work in progress!
Enjoy the journey rather than worrying about the destination! We either get there or we don’t. Make peace with whatever presents!
Shanti Om
Sue x
In the words of Kristin Neff: