Yoga Monday 12th June click link to view reel
Namaste all,
Yoga tomorrow morning, 11.15a.m. at Greasby Centre where we will for the last time be looking at Salamba Sarvangasana (half shoulder stand) but will continue after that to look at inversions and how the body still needs to engage as strongly upside down as the muscles do when we are the right side up!
As always, we will be working with the usual strengthening of the body and with increasing flexibility but always with the development of focus and concentration (dharana) executed with kindness (ahimsa) so we continue to practice yoga via the 8 limbs of Patanjali to deepen our awareness of our physical, mental and emotional form in relation to our higher consciousness that is beyond the ego, the mind and the conditioning to which we are all subject.
I look forward to continuing our journey towards ourselves knowing we are always ‘working towards’ and the main aim of our yoga journey is working towards a deeper connection with the Self. In the words of Jill Conyers:
Looking forward to seeing as many are able to attend tomorrow.
Shanti Om
Sue x
Here is a recording I did awhile ago on basic breathing as relaxation. Enjoy!